Wednesday, December 10, 2014

When Men Remarry, They Go Way Younger.

According to studies conducted by Pew Research Center,  which doesn't include same-sex couples, shows that men and women alike tend to stray further outside their own age bracket for remarriages than for first marriages. However, men are way more likely to go for younger women the second (or third, or fourth) time around.

When people first marry, they tend to pick someone pretty close to their age. When they try marriage again, however, the gap tends to get way wider, according to data from the Pew Research Center.

And that gap is different depending on which gender you're looking at: when people remarry (in different-sex couples, that is), the wives get younger and the husbands get older.

15 percent of men marry someone six or more years younger than them for their first marriages, but that's only true of 3 percent of women. For second marriages, men are much more likely to go younger: 38 percent of men choose a significantly younger woman, compared to 11 percent of women.

Unlike women, meanwhile, who are far more likely to seek out someone older when they decide to remarry. 27 percent of women go much older the second (or third) time around, compared to 6 percent of men.

This isn't a small population we're looking at here, either; according to Pew, in 40 percent of marriages today, one or both partners had been married before. But the desire to remarry is also unequal across genders. When Pew asked divorced and widowed people if they would like to remarry, only 30 percent of men said no, compared to 54 percent of women.

In addition,  remarriage is on the rise – four in ten new marriages include at least one partner who has been married before, according to a recent Pew Research Center report. The number of adults who have ever remarried now stands at 42 million—a threefold increase since 1960.

If you a man or woman and you think the research is true type 'YES' in the comment, it not type 'NO' in the comment box.

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