Monday, December 8, 2014

Some 10 Life Skills You Should Know How to Do by Age 30

How to Accept your Flaws

At 30, you should have seen ever part of body as what makes you a unique and beautiful individual irrespective of what people think of you. Note that every laugh line is a story and every unique feature is a family heirloom.
How to Forgive and Let Go

People will always hurt you, in fact such hurts come from those you love and trust. Yeah, it breaks you, but its a phase. We can't control what others do to us but we are left with either to hold on or let go of the hurt and smile on. Usually, I have observed when I hold grudge I suffer bitterness and resentment and distraction but when do let go, I am much happier.
How to Advice yourself and Act on it
Many a time we do not listen to ourselves and stick to what we decide is best for us. We are easily influence by others around us. Yet, we are quick to give advice to others. Sounds Hypocrite! Remember that whether its yours or others the consequences is your alone to bear.
How to Change your car oil and Tire
Learning to change your own car oil will save you time and money.  In addition, simply learn how to jack and swap spare ties sounds intimidating mostly for women but over time you get perfect with t. 

How to Stitch a Hem

Not a common habit in most advance society but its a good skill that will save you money from buying news shirts or clothes just for little mending problems in old clothes.
How to defend yourself
This is important for women. learning to defend yourself particularly against sexual assault gives you self confidence.


How to Small Talk
Learning to chat people up at events or social gatherings will make you make friends, get ahead at work and win over family members.

How to  Enjoy Dinner Alone

It may sound a bit awkward but it's a perfect chance to spend some quiet time alone and practice mindful eating without distraction. It also builds you up for future breaks up in your relationship for those addicted to be in company of the intimate companion. Lol!

 How to Budget, Plan for Retirement
Everyone financial future is important. Setting aside money now is key to never going broke when you get older. If you start saving $2000 a year at age 25, by the time you are 65. you'll be having over a half a million set aside for retirement according to Bankrate . No problem in case you have passed 25 years, never too late to stay now.

How to Drive
This is not peculiar to only men, its a good thing for women to learn driving skills. I know this is not mostly common in most underdeveloped and developing nations. But if you are opportune please do.

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