Monday, December 15, 2014

What type of mother are YOU? Take this quiz to see if you're a Gwyneth Paltrow eco-mum or a Gwen Stefani rock'n'roll mama

Jenny Scott developed a mothering bible to find out what kind of mother that you are. whether you arec a bit rock 'n' roll-style mum while you strut your stuff with your toddlers in tow? Or has having kids made you pile the pressure on yourself? Perhaps you're one of those 'always looks amazing in the playground' mothers - and you don't even know it? Well, it's time to find out. Take this quiz and whichever section gives you the most 'yes' answers will determine your maternal style.
  • Would you order a 'babycino' in a coffee shop?
  • Do you own a range of sunglasses that you generally only wear as a headband to keep your hair from going in your eyes?
  • Have you ever been to a baby-friendly spa?
  • Does your child do more than three extra-curricular activities every week?
The definitive quiz comes from Jenny Scott's book about retaining your style after motherhoodSECTION B 
  • Have you ever washed your face with a reusable nappy, mistaking it for a flannel?
  • Have you taken your child's indoor wigwam on a camping trip and instantly regretted it as soon as it rains? 
  • Have you ever blended vegetables for your baby then decided to add water and drink it yourself?
  • Have you ever used one of the saris you bought in India as a baby sling?
  • Even though your life is super-hectic, do you still make time to meet your friends for your Bikram yoga fix?
  • Have you ever had light-pink highlights?
  • Did you go to clubs together with friends and splash out on a Windinglake Winnebago at Glasto this year?
  • Do you wear Converse like slippers?
  • Was your child gifted a pair of Baby Banz earmuffs at birth?
  • Does your child own a T-shirt/babygro with the Rolling Stones lips and tongue logo on it?
  • Do you have red lipstick in your baby changing bag alongside the bum cream?
  • Are you always inexplicably drawn to animal-print items in every clothes shop you enter?
  • Do you enjoy a cup of tea and chocolate just as much as a glass of wine at 5pm?
  • Do you 'like' more than five things on Instagram every day?
  • Are you always calling your girlfriends to talk about a business plan that they can get involved with?
  • Do you keep your trainers in better condition than your suede heels?

This is the kind of mum you can normally smell before you see her as she stalks past you in a fog of Chanel, all tousled blonde mane, pouty lip gloss and a perfect glow. 
She is the mum that everyone assumes has an army of helpers, her 4x4 always looks immaculate and it is pretty much guaranteed she wears matching underwear.
The school gates are an opportunity to 'touch base', 'incentivise' and 'go forward' together. 
All the mums want an invitation from Playground Mum, not just to have a nose around her obviously interior-designed home, but also because you've heard rumours you'll have a warm glass of pinot grigio pushed into one hand and a DIY Botox needle in the other.
This is the mum that you can guarantee upon meeting, will leave you feeling guilty about something whether it's that, heaven forbid, you and your kids drink cow's milk, or you've been showering your child in a shower gel containing parabens.
Other than being a mum this woman's job is to save the world through health and fitness fads. 
Smug in the knowledge her healthy lifestyle sets a good example to her kids, she just wishes everyone else would realise that looking and feeling great really isn't hard - even if it does mean a Spinning class in a swimming pool while meditating.
She's the kind of mum that doesn't just have your average partner - her partner is the drummer in that hot new band and she has a little black book of friends that include the whole back catalogue of the Nineties' musical heroes.
This mum is never seen in anything that isn't leopard print and is never without a slick of red lippy. She certainly isn't interested in sport or getting fit.
Her favourite kind of night in involves sitting with a bottle of beer surrounded by vinyl talking about the good old days when Courtney and Kurt had just met. 
This mum rarely has time to stand around talking at the school gates – being rock 'n' roll cool is a full-time occupation.
This is the mum who wants it all, and more than any other kind of mum she puts way too much pressure on herself.
It's not enough to just be a good mother, it's just as important to feel confident and look good - these mums are very proud.
She sees absolutely no reason why having kids should mean letting yourself go. In fact, since having hers, she's dropped two dress sizes, run two marathons and started her own company. 
But by no means is this lady competitive she is the kind of friend every woman needs in their lives! 
She's supportive, inspiring and motivating and loves having an early night with a good book as much as she likes to have a wild night out.


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