Monday, December 8, 2014

Celebrity Diets like Eating Clay can be DANGEROUS to Health, Experts Warns

Matthew McConaughey, Megan Fox and Beyonce are all rumoured to use the diets the British Dietetic Assocatiation describes as 'fads'.

The British Dietetic Association has warned that the diet popular among the famous and the rich are dangerous t health.
This list of celebrity worst diets includes the popular Paleo or Caveman diet and known with stars like Matthew McConaughey and Megan Fox, that advises eating like our stone age ancestors and avoiding ‘modern foods’ such as bread, pasta, cereal and dairy products.But the BDA says this is little more than a ‘Jurassic fad’.
Thus, BDA warns that refusing to eat any dairy products could leave people dangerously low in calcium and weaken their bones.More so eating like a caveman is keep in shape is time-consuming and socially isolating; and serious health problems, from constipation to arsenic poisoning. 
Another in list of Celebs dangerous diet is the ‘Vegan Before Six’ diet – thought to be beloved of Beyonce – as eating only vegan food before 6pm is just more likely to make you binge on unhealthy foods in the evening. BDA says ‘a vegan diet doesn't automatically translate into a healthy diet but eating different food groups at different times of the day doesn’t matter. What matter to your health is 'it’s the nutritional balance that’s important.'

Although some celebrities claim to have done this, it is almost impossible to do. BDA spokesman and consultant dietician Sian Porter said: ‘It seems that as a nation we are constantly on the search for the magic bullet approach to losing weight, wanting a quick fix to give us the bodies we see so often on TV, in glossy magazines and adorning billboards up and down the UK.


Credit: UK Mailonline/Getty image


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