Wednesday, December 3, 2014

What Drinking Coke Everyday for 30 days Can Result into

50 year old George Prior wanted to show what drinking too much soda does to the body and used himself as experiment. The result is scary.
George said he drank 10 cans of Coca Cola a day for 30 days to see how the sugar content will affect his physical health. It did! He gained over 20 pounds in that one month...mostly in his stomach area. Above is the before and after photos. He documented it all on his website, 10 Cokes A Day.
However, I may not total agree to this scientific result. The reason is because there is supposed to be a control Where by another man is feed same coke diet plus exercise, another man coke dies, food plus exercise. another man food plus food. Then we can deduce the effect of coke critically on the human system.
Am I wrong or right with my opinion?

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