Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mons pubis - Small bump of flesh on the pubic bone is latest SURGERY to reduce it

First came the 'thigh gap' trend, which demands legs so thin that they do not touch above the knees, gained momentum. But with a new year, comes a new body part to hate -and fix. Make way for the 'mon pubis', which refers to the mound of flesh on the pubic bone.

Writing in The New York Times, Jennifer Weiner explains: 'This year, the hot new body part is the formerly unnoticed span of flesh between the top of one's panties and the labia majora, currently displayed on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition by the model Hannah Davis. 
Hannah Davis ( see her mons pubis reduced)
The hashtag #Monspubis is already starting to do the rounds on Twitter and there are plenty of forums dedicated to women who can air their insecurities about the body part.
There's even a cosmetic surgery procedure to fix it.
Monsplasty, also called Pubic Lift is a surgical procedure used to reduce and tighten the mons pubis. 

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