Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Daydreaming is GOOD for you: Researchers find a wandering mind can boost your brainpower

Daydreaming can be good for you and actually boost the brain, researchers have found.

According to the new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a wandering mind can impart a distinct cognitive advantage.
Scientists at Bar-Ilan University were able to show an external stimulus of low-level electricity can literally change the way we think, producing a measurable up-tick in the rate at which daydreams – or spontaneous, self-directed thoughts and associations – occur.

Fluoride in water is 'linked to thyroid problem which causes weight gain, depression and tiredness', study claims

New studies by scientists have claimed that weight gain and depression caused by an underactive thyroid is linked to high levels of fluoride in the water supply.
According to excerpt from Daily Mail published today has revealed water fluoridation above a certain level is linked to 30 per cent higher than expected rates of hypothyroidism in England.
The findings have prompted researchers to call for a revision of public health policy, which currently encourages the fluoridation of water to protect the nation's tooth health. 
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in water, and certain foods including tea and fish.
Its main benefit is in helping reduce the risk of tooth decay.
As a result the mineral is added to many brands of toothpaste, and in some areas, to the water supply.

My Six Hour a day on Phone gave me a Brain tumour, claims business executive

Wow, sometimes the good things e create turns to hurt us, isn't it?

Spending six hours a day on my mobile gave me a brain tumour, claims business executive, 43, who's now been given just three years to live.

Ian Phillips, 43, from Cardiff, had a blinding headache and drove himself to hospital. An MRI scan revealed he had a lemon-sized tumour next to his right ear (pictured, inset). He underwent a nine-hour operation to remove it (he is pictured, right, after the operation).

The Baby Born Amniotic Sac is Hailed a 'Medical Miracle' by Doctors

Silas Philips (right) was born three months prematurely at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California.

Doctors who carried out the emergency Caesarean section on his mother were astonished to discover he was inside the intact amniotic sac - a bag of clear fluid inside the womb where the unborn baby develops.

The amniotic sac is a bag of clear, pale fluid inside the womb where the unborn baby develops and grows.

Silas' tiny hands and leg were clearly visible inside the sac (left), which normally breaks automatically before birth resulting in the mother's 'water breaking'. Doctors say the chances of it remaining completely unbroken during labour is 'ultra rare'. WARNING GRAPHIC Pictures after cut..

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Eating too much protein can strain your kidneys but too little is bad for your muscles - so are YOU getting the right amount?

‘It’s important to eat protein every day, as it’s involved in everything from muscle repair and immunity, to making hormones and enzymes,’ says Dr Frankie Phillips, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association.
It also keeps you feeling full for longer, warding off the need to snack and so aiding weight loss.
U.S. study published last month involving 52 to 75-year-olds found that doubling the recommended daily protein intake to 1.5 g per kg of body weight helped build muscle. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Eat chocolate to boost your memory and avocado for high cholesterol: Doctor reveals the best foods for YOUR health problems

Food is the most powerful drug that we have, with many natural foods proving to be as beneficial in tackling certain diseases, conditions and ailments as modern medicine.
Every week, we see new studies showing that what we eat can reduce our risk of developing diseases or help treat existing problems.
According to a recent study, consuming an avocado a day, as part of a moderate fat diet with 34 per cent of calories from fat,  could actually help to reduce your cholesterol. 
While we know that avocados are high in fat, most of their fat content is mono-unsaturated, or ‘good’ fat, which has been found to help lower cholesterol, reduce risk of stroke and heart attack, and improve heart health in general. it was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, who should know a bit about cholesterol.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Potential new vaccine 'blocks all known strains of HIV'

A NEW  drug candidate against HIV has been created by a joint team led by researchers at The Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter, FL. The scientists consider it to be so potent and effective that it could form the basis of a vaccine.

"Our compound is the broadest and most potent entry inhibitor described so far," says Michael Farzan, a Scripps Research Institute professor who led the effort.
"Unlike antibodies, which fail to neutralize a large fraction of HIV-1 strains," continues Farzan, "our protein has been effective against all strains tested, raising the possibility it could offer an effective HIV vaccine alternative."

The Secret to Living past 100? Stay Single and Eat three raw eggs a day, says Europe's oldest woman

Europe's oldest woman who lived through two world wars and her life spans three centuries, has revealed the secrets of her long life. 

Emma Morano, from Verbania, Italy, has been alive for over 115 years - and claims eating raw eggs and avoiding men has kept her young.

Ms Morano is not only the oldest person in Europe, but the fifth oldest person in the world. When asked about her longevity, she simply said: '115 years are a lot'. 

Meet the Brave 33 American Pioneers ready to Die discovering the ONE-WAY trip to Mars Planet

One hundred brave souls from around the globe are now vying for a one-way ticket to Mars, knowing they will never return from the Red Planet.   
The Dutch-based Mars One project - which aims to send people to live on the faraway planet - has whittled down its shortlist of candidates from more than 200,000 to just 50 men and 50 women, a third of them Americans from all walks of life between the ages of 19 and 60, including married people with children. See their names after cut..

A Napping Infant is busy Learning and Memorizing - Study Suggest

A napping infant is busy learning and memorizing, a new study suggests.
Researchers tested 6- and 12-month old babies using a puppet with a removable mitten containing a bell. The experimenter engaged the child, then removed the mitten and shook it three times to demonstrate its sound and movement, and replaced the mitten on the puppet’s hand. She repeated the procedure several times. The study was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A Drink a Day to Lower Heart Failure Risk

Credit: Tony Cenicola/ New York times

 A daily cocktail may be associated with a lower risk for heart failure.

A new study, in the European Heart Journal, followed 14,629 people for 24 years, starting at an average age of 54. It found that moderate drinkers have a lower risk of heart failure than either heavy drinkers or abstainers.
There were 2,508 cases of heart failure in the group studied, and the researchers controlled for age, race, smoking, hypertension and other variables. Compared with abstainers, men who drank up to a drink a day — a glass of wine, a 12-ounce beer or a shot of liquor — had a 20 percent reduced risk, and women a 16 percent reduced risk, of heart failure. The advantage gradually declined with heavier drinking.

1 in 3 Dutch doctors 'would consider assisted death' for patients with dementia, mental illness

New study published in the Journal of Medical Ethics found that in Denmark, more than 85% of doctors say they would consider helping a patient die, with 1 in 3 saying they would consider it if a patient were suffering from early dementia or mental illness. This is according to the  survey shows that almost 1,500 Dutch doctors on their attitudes toward euthanasia and physician-assisted dying.
For their study, Dr. Bolt and her team set out to determine what doctors in Denmark thought about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, and under what circumstances they would engage in either practice.

Inducing Pregnancy at 37 weeks can reduce risks of child death or developing serious health condition

Inducing pregnant women once they reach 37 weeks can lower the chance of the baby dying or developing a serious health condition, a study has suggested.
The research, which analyzed 770,926 births over a 13-year period, found the risk of neo-natal death went down from 1.9 to one per 1,000 births from 2000 to 2012.
There was a drop in the rate of cerebral palsy by 26 per cent between 2002 and 2010, according to the study of Danish babies. A quarter of women in Denmark pregnant beyond 37 weeks have labor induced. There was a simultaneous halving of stillbirths, a separate study found.

Mons pubis - Small bump of flesh on the pubic bone is latest SURGERY to reduce it

First came the 'thigh gap' trend, which demands legs so thin that they do not touch above the knees, gained momentum. But with a new year, comes a new body part to hate -and fix. Make way for the 'mon pubis', which refers to the mound of flesh on the pubic bone.

Writing in The New York Times, Jennifer Weiner explains: 'This year, the hot new body part is the formerly unnoticed span of flesh between the top of one's panties and the labia majora, currently displayed on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition by the model Hannah Davis. 

Estate agent Mother 'Killed by extreme allergy to L'Oreal hair dye product

Reading this story tells you to be careful of cosmetics product we use, they can be dangerous than we think. Since many are not made for individual skin or body allergy.

Julie McCabe, 39, (pictured above) of Keighley, West Yorkshire, died after she suffered a severe reaction to L'Oreal Recital Preference hair dye in Shade One, also known as Naples Black (pictured above, inset), in October 2011. She was rushed to Airedale General Hospital (pictured above, inset) by her husband but slipped into a coma.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

6 Things You Should Stop Worrying which Men Never Notice In Bed

It’s only natural to be a little insecure in bed. (Let’s just be real for a moment, OK?  But the beautiful thing about men is they not only don’t notice our oddities mid-act, they have no memory recall of them afterward either. They just had sex—what more could possibly be on their mind?! So the next time you let something you’re doing to your face—or something you didn’t do the night before—get in the way of your pleasure, read this and forget about it!
1. How loud you are. As long as you’re not bellowing in pain or stone silent, it matters little at what decibel level you express yourself. So scream in ecstasy or clam up in time to concentrate on your orgasm—either way, they’ll understand

Menopause Last 'up to 14 years' than Earlier disclosed - Study Claims

New study have found that women going through the menopause may suffer hot flushes for as long as 14 years.
Researchers found half the women in a large study had uncomfortable, often distressing symptoms for more than seven years on average.
US experts said greater efforts are needed to find new ways of helping women at the menopause as HRT is currently recommended for five years of maximum use.
Nancy Avis, a professor of social sciences and health policy at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, North Carolina, and the study’s lead author, said doctors should advise women that vasomotor symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats might last longer than they had been led to believe.

Four Simple Steps to Ignite Your Bedroom Sex Life


Best way to Lose Weight? DON'T Diet, Sleep more and Avoid Low-Fat foods, says leading Expert

As an NHS weight loss surgeon, every single single person who comes to discuss weight management with me is totally perplexed by the advice out there. Despite this national obsession with dieting, we have seen our weight increase, waistlines expand and our health deteriorate
So, here wisdom and what's myth when it comes to weight-loss?
Dieting is the best way to lose weight - FALSE
Research shows that when women, in particular, want to lose weight they turn to dieting. Unfortunately, research also shows that this is highly unlikely to lead to long-term weight-loss. More than 85 per cent of people regain all of the weight they have lost, and more, by a year after the diet.

Scientist Have Discovered Breakthrough to Stop Alzheimer in Earliest Stages

Do you have family members with Alzheimer, here is a good news on how drugs have been developed to stop it at early stage.
Scientists at Cambridge University have discovered the key to stopping Alzheimer’s disease in its earliest stages.The breakthrough paves the way for a ‘statin-like’ drug that could be taken by millions to prevent dementia.
The researchers have found a naturally occurring molecule that can slow the formation of plaques in the brain. Amyloid plaques are closely associated with declining memory and other Alzheimer’s symptoms.
The discovery raises the prospect of a treatment which could be routinely taken in middle age to stop dementia. It could even result in a pill that could be used to treat dementia in the same way that statins are used to prevent heart disease today.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Aggressive HIV strain turns into AIDS within just 3 years say Belgian scientists

An aggressive new strain of HIV has been identified, scientists have warned.
A new study found the strain, called CRF19, is capable of transforming from an infection to full-blown aids within just three years.
Scientists have discovered an aggressive new strain of HIV.
The strain, CRF19, can transform from an infection to full-blown AIDS within just three years.

Just ONE can of Coca-Cola Drink a Day Increases Heart Attack risk by a third and Weight Gain of a STONE over a year

Arguably we all love the taste of sugary drinks but experts have discovered that result of many ailments are attributed to our excess love for sugary drinks.
According to Heart health experts, drinking one can of a sugary drink a day increases the risk of dying from heart disease by a third.
As a result they have launched a hard-hitting poster campaign to challenge the damage they claim is caused by the likes of Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
One poster highlights the risk of heart disease, while a second warns that drinking one can of full sugar fizzy drink a day could lead to weight gain of 6kg –over a stone – in a year.

Impact of Loseing Weight Leave Body Sagging. Affect Sec Life asthe Case of Kristine Miles

Kristina Miles, 23, from Ipswich, dropped from a size 24 to a 14 for her wedding day with Ashley but has been left with the 'body of a granny' . She has also been refused surgery to remove it on the NHS.

Kristina says she is so unhappy with her current figure that not only does she not feel sexier but she refuses to let her partner see her naked. The slimmer has been turned down for skin removal surgery on the NHS and fears her only option to look attractive again is to gain the weight she lost to save her marriage.