Sunday, November 30, 2014

MOST adavnced Anti-ageing Cream tailor-made to an individual's DNA reduces Wrinkles by a third in just 12 weeks

Are you weary of aging or know someone who is? Here is a discovery I found and decided to share.
Scientists newly launched the most advanced anti-ageing cream which matched each individual DNA or person's skin needs in order to be more effective.
First the scientist  used our own DNA to create and test anti-ageing serum ever. This cream involves a microchip which creates a genetic profile for each individual after a 30-minute test.
Clinical trials suggest the product by Geneu (pronounced 'Gene You') reduces fine lines and wrinkles by up to a third in just 12 weeks.   It examines two elements of an individual's genetic code - including their levels of anti-oxidants and how fast they degrade collagen.
Product is at Geneu's New Bond Street clinic in London. The product costs £600 for a four-week course.
Doctors  exercise treatment by taking a cheek swab from customers before isolating the strands of DNA and injecting them into the microchip. In half an hour, the profile is ready and a custom anti-ageing cream is created to deliver the right amount of collagen, the structural protein that keeps skin plump, and anti-oxidants to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Professor Chris Toumazou, developed the microchip which tests anti-oxidant levels and how fast a person degrades collagen. Regius Professor at Imperial College London, who won European Inventor of the Year 2014 for his development.

Credit: UK Daily

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