Saturday, November 29, 2014

HIV infections in the UK reach an all-time high - but 25% of people are unaware they have the condition

The number of people in the UK infected with HIV has reached nearly 110,000 are living with the condition, but around a quarter are unaware they have it. They are therefore at risk of passing on the virus to others through unprotected sex, experts warn. 
The figures, from Public Health England (PHE show that overall, more people are being diagnosed earlier. The proportion of people diagnosed with a late stage of HIV infection fell from 57 per cent in 2004 to 42 per cent in 2013.
Meanwhile, around six per cent of gay and bisexual men are now living with HIV.
This rises to 13 per cent in London - meaning that one in eight sexually active gay men now has the condition.
In 2013, 3,250 men were newly diagnosed - an all-time annual high. 
It is estimated that over 7,000 gay men have an HIV infection that remains undiagnosed and that an estimated 2,800 men acquired HIV in 2013
 In a statement, Public Health England (PHE) said: 'While the large majority of black Africans do not have the HIV infection, the report also draws attention to the fact that one-third of the 40,000 black African heterosexual men and women living with HIV in the UK do not know they have HIV.'

Dr Valerie Delpech, head of PHE's national HIV surveillance, said: 'We can’t overstate the importance of testing for HIV to ensure an early diagnosis
'People diagnosed promptly with HIV infection can expect to live long and healthy lives
'However in 2013, people diagnosed with HIV late were 10 times more likely to die in the first year of diagnosis compared to those diagnosed promptly. 
'People who remain unaware of their infection are also at risk of transmitting HIV to others.
'Knowing HIV status is the key to both effective treatment, and to preventing onward transmission'.
As a result, PHE is encouraging people most at risk to take an HIV test and used correctly and consistently, condoms remain an inexpensive and effective way to prevent HIV said Professor Noel Gill.

Credit: Mailonline

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