Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Jaden Smith says God inspired his new fashion line named ‘666’

In an interesting new interview singer and actor Jaden Smith has revealed that he is a prophet and that God inspired his new fashion line named ‘666’. Jaden, along with his sister Willow, have become more popular with unique way of thinking.

The promo photo for the clothing has caused a lot of controversy as it shows Jaden Smith with the letters 666 imprinted on his forehead.
EntertainmentforBreakfast.com reports that in an interview with Rolling Stone, Jaden spoke about his fashion line saying “God exists in all things that surround the fire that burns in the sky. She is responsible for all spontaneous ideas. In fact, 666 is not an evil number. This number is actually three part and represents the six angels that descended from the six Heavens, who are searching for the six prophets who are meant to lead the masses. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Mom: My Son Was 'Digitally Kidnapped’

Lindsey Paris and her son today (Photo courtesy of Paris)
This story is kind of plagiarizing photos of lovely babies or ladies which is a common trend on internet but worse if the user is claiming such picture as his/her own.
Lindsey Paris was excited when she saw a new “like” pop up on the Facebook page that she’d set up for her blog Red Head Baby Mama. But the feeling quickly turned into shock after the Atlanta mother clicked on the name of the woman who’d given the thumbs up to a photo of Paris’ then 18-month-old son. The stranger had made the toddler’s image her homepage photo and was presenting Paris’ son asher own child. “I flew into a mother lion rage, then I burst into tears,” Paris tells Yahoo Parenting, of the 2012 incident that still has her on edge. “She was pretending that he was her own and commenting on when was he going to start teething. Her friends were saying that they loved his hair. She was treating him as her own and that was the most petrifying thing. I didn’t know people did this.” 
Paris soon learned all about the relatively rare but disturbing online trend of role playing with photos of other people’s children stolen from social media accounts. “It isn’t a technical crime,” she says, so the blogger did the only thing she could. Paris messaged the woman, who turned out to be a 16 year old girl in California, and the teen apologized two days after Paris’s “forcefully polite” note asking her to take the photo down. “She said she’d always wanted a red-headed son and ‘I didn’t mean to hurt you.’”

Nuts May Lengthen Your Life, Study Suggests

Eating nuts, including peanuts and peanut butter, may help you live longer, a new study suggests.

Researchers looked at the diets of more than 200,000 people in both the United States and China, and found nut consumption was linked with a lower risk of premature death from heart disease and other causes.

The findings lend support to previous evidence on the heart-healthy benefits of nuts, said study researcher Dr. Xiao-Ou Shu, associate director of global health and professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn.
However, Shu said, the finding is "based on an observational study," so the researchers cannot prove cause-and-effect with certainty. "That said, the totality of evidence from nutrition and health research suggests that nut and peanut consumption can be considered a healthy lifestyle choice," she said.
The study is published online March 2 in JAMA Internal Medicine and was funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute.

Bizarre Japanese toilet alert gadget will tell you when it's time to use the loo

D Free

Do you dream of a world where no-one soils themselves?
Well fantasise no longer because a Japanese firm called Triple W is preparing to roll out an system called D Free designed to banish embarrassing "accidents" to the history books.
Anyone wanting to predict their toilet-times needs to strap a sensor on their tummy and connect it to an iPhone app.
"We have detected activity in your intestines," the app says when it detects some action inside its owner.
The user then has 10 minutes or so to find a toilet.